Since the original reboot of Toki Tori on WiiWare, we've made quite a few improvements to the Toki Tori experience. Bonus levels, a time rewind function and a spiffy new menu for instance.

Today we’d like to learn how you experienced the game, to see how we can improve it even more in the future. We’ve got six questions prepared for you, feel free to answer them in the comments section below!
1: Did you complete the normal and/or the hard levels of Toki Tori?
2: Do you think Toki Tori’s difficulty level was too easy, too hard or just right?
3: Which (combinations of) items are your favorite, and why?
4: What is your least favorite part of the Toki Tori experience?
5: What changes could have made the game better?
6: What would it take for us to persuade you to buy a possible Toki Tori 2?
Additional feedback is also welcome of course!