Announcing the winner of the last round! A big thanks to everyone for showing us your amazing drawing skills!

Today we’re announcing the winner of the last round of our Miiverse drawing contest! During the past weeks we’ve received hundreds of awesome drawings. They have all been created in black and white with the basic limited drawing tools that are available on the Wii U. It’s amazing to see what you are capable off. We will be rewarding the top drawings with a spot in Toki Tori 2 for Wii U!
Unfortunately this contest has come to an end. We simply want to say: thanks to all that participated!
Now on to the winner of the final round which had the following topic: “Draw Toki Tori’s greatest enemy”. And the winner is….
hurtadisimo with “Bird of prey”
Congrats to you! Your drawing will be added to Toki Tori 2

Toki Tori better start praying when he’s around!
The Winning Drawings
And here are the well deserved winners of the Toki Tori 2 Miiverse Drawing Contest
Round 1: “Can you draw an imaginary friend for Toki Tori?”

If you invite cousin Torro to a picnic, be sure to bring a red cape!
Round 2: “Draw Toki Tori’s ancestors”

Caveman Tori: “I strong, I indestructible!”

A heartbreaking story
Round 3: “Draw how Toki Tori spends a day off”

Warning: lazy chicken ahead
Round 4: “Draw Toki Tori’s greatest enemy”

Toki Tori better start praying when he’s around!
These five drawings will be forever part of video gaming history and will be added as cave paintings to Toki Tori 2 on the Wii U! We estimate that the Wii U version will be updated with these paintings in August/September!
Thanks again for participating in this contest. You guys are amazing!!!