Ladies and gentlemen... We've got a winner! And a fresh, new round in which you can show your awesome drawing skills!

We have just one word to describe the first round of our drawing contest: AMAZING! We received 159 contest entries and we loved each and every one of them. Thanks! Unfortunately there can be only one winner….
And the winner of the first round, named “Draw an imaginary friend for Toki Tori”, is…..
Fredrik.W with Toki Torro!
Congratulations Fredrik! You made your drawing immortal as we’ll be adding it to Toki Tori 2!

If you invite cousin Torro to a picnic, be sure to bring a red cape!
Round 2
Didn’t win or missed out on the first round? No worries, we’re back with a brand new topic:
At some point in history Toki Tori was born, but we don’t know where he came from or what his parents or even grandparents look like. For this week use your imagination to the fullest and ...
“Draw Toki Tori’s ancestors”
Contest Rules
Want to participate? Check out the contest rules. Due to the sheer volume of entries, we’ll now pick a winner of the Top 25 of all entries, as opposed to the Top 10 as we did in the first round. So if you make it to the Top 25, your drawing might end up in Toki Tori 2!
Summing up
- Draw Toki Tori’s ancestors
- Post it on the Toki Tori 2 community on Miiverse
- Reply to your own drawing with the text: #contest
- Collect a LOT of Yeah’s for your drawing to get into the Top 25
We will announce the winner of the second round on June 20th, so be sure to post your drawing before that.
Happy Drawing!
Please note: by entering this drawing contest, you are granting us (Two Tribes) a non-exclusive perpetual license to use, reproduce, alter and/or change your submitted contest artwork. Thou shalt not sue us! Also we reserve the right to refuse contest entries, for no specific reasons.
[Update: June 20, 2013]
Winners of round 2 announced: